We offer holistic, integrated, and individualised well-being solutions.
Enhance your wellbeing based on your individual needs and requirements. We offer individual one-one sessions, group sessions, workshops and even teacher training programs.

Ayurveda Consultation
Ayurveda is a way of life, of living in harmony with nature.
Ayurveda, the first and healthy choice! Know your constitution, Prakruti (blueprint) and your Vikruti, the present altered state of the doshas, then you can establish the balance between Vata, Pitta, Kapha, 7 Dhatus, 3 Malas and create a beautiful balance between the body, mind and consciousness.
Managed by experts, the Ayurveda consultation, by “ Nadi- Parikshan” or pulse diagnosis, is the basis of all successful treatment. Followed by an individualised prescription, for nutrition, medication, lifestyle changes and Panchakarma where needed.
Treatment areas: Mental health, acute and chronic physical conditions, pain management, and lifestyle diseases. Asthma, Diabetes, Thyroid, Cancer, Skin Conditions, Infertility Treatment, Garbhasanskar, PCOD, Childhood disorders, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Covid complications, Detox Treatments,
Facilitators: Dr. Manaan Gandhi, Dr.Swagat Patil, Dr.Madhura Dhatrak, Siddharth Sengupta, Samskrit Life,
Chiropractic, Cupping and DTAACT therapy treatments
This therapy uses a combination of Cupping therapy, Muscular therapy alignment, and DTAACT therapy - a proprietary therapy for microcirculation and joint issues. It works on inflammation, blood circulation, and relaxation. In addition, our Chiropractic therapists treat misaligned joints, especially those of the spinal column, which are known to cause other disorders related to nerves, muscles, and organs.
Treatment areas: Musculoskeletal misalignment, congenital birth defects, neck, shoulder, spine, hip, knee, ankle injuries and pain, diabetic neuropathy, gangrene, varicose veins, and circulation issues.
Facilitators: Dr. Vivek Bendale, Dr. Rakesh Bendale

Integrated Counselling and Mentoring
Integrated Counselling leaves no stone unturned. Every aspect of one’s thinking, way of living, habits, patterns, and behaviors are assessed and addressed while integrating appropriate methods to bring about balance or positive change.
An individualised program is set for each person, Talk Therapy, Energy Healing, Ayurveda and Bach flower essences and Arts-Based Therapy, etc. The number of sessions varies from a few counseling sessions for specific problem areas to long-term mentoring for deeper lasting change.
Treatment areas: Mental Health, trauma, learning disorders, ADHD, depression, anxiety, stress, relationship breakdowns, addiction, phobias, OCD.
Facilitators: Vatsal Doctor and Mona Doctor.
Movement Classes: Functional Fitness, Aerial Yoga, Gymnastics Pilates and Dance
By making movement enjoyable and empowering, The Integral Space offers movement based classes that are uniquely designed for a wide variety of skill sets.
"You will thank yourself for joining us!”
Treatment areas: mobility, cardiovascular, flexibility, strength, balance, stamina and endurance, core strength.

Zen Counselling
A simple yet powerful and effective form of counselling based on the fundamentals of Zen Buddhism.The Zen Counsellor listens relaxed and trusts that when you have a problem you also have a solution for it within you.
Zen counselling helps you to find your own answer.
Treatment areas: All areas of mental and emotional well-being.
Facilitators: Mona Doctor
Immersive Sound healing
Spend an hour immersed in a therapeutic session with healing sounds, cleansing herbs, and crystals that will heal and rejuvenate with the aid of singing bowls, vocal toning, tuning forks, and gongs.
We can treat ailments on all levels, using the principle of vibration and resonance to heal the body, mind, and soul.
Let’s bring our bodies up to their highest level of resonance!
Treatment areas: All areas of mental and emotional well-being. Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Deep-seated Trauma, Sadness, Grief, feelings of stuckness, ADHD.
Facilitators: Vatsal Doctor and Mona Doctor

Energy healing
Everything is energy, and everything vibrates at different rates and frequencies. The Energy healer is essentially, a clear conduit for the universal energy to pass through to heal the receiver.
Universal energy is intelligent and so is our body. It goes wherever it needs to go, to the areas that need unblocking, clearing or energising.
It depends on the person receiving it, the treatment is good for patients with both acute and chronic illnesses of the mind, body, and soul. Both the giver and receiver are enriched by this process. A combination of healing methods may be used in a session.
Treatment areas: All areas of physical mental and emotional well-being.
Facilitators: Vatsal Doctor and Mona Doctor
Bachflower Remedies
It is well-known that nature has a cure for all conditions.
A consultation with the therapist helps identify the root of the underlying emotion. Based on your unique diagnosis, a unique and customised blend of flower essences is made specifically for you.
Treatment areas: Emotional, attitudinal, mental, and physical well-being. Anxiety, Panic attacks, Mood disorders, Anger Management, Managing grief, Depression, Irrational fears, Phobias, Stress, and Addiction.
Facilitators: Mona Doctor

The Sacred India Tarot Reading
The Sacred India Tarot is the most powerful and cleanest energy deck in the world.
This Deck is unique in its specificity in conveying clarity into all of life's situations. It has a tremendous power to facilitate both the reader and the Querant towards spiritual growth and personal transformation.
All readings can be done with both a general and/or a specific focus depending on the requirements of the client. These readings are an incredible way to gain insight into your being and connect with your highest level of consciousness.
Treatment areas: All existential issues, providing clarity and insight, guidance, a sense of direction, self knowledge, connection.
Facilitators: Vatsal Doctor
Panchakarma Treatments
An integral part of Indian Ayurveda System is receiving Panchakarma treatments.
Panchakarma literally means "Five Actions" The technique relies upon five distinctive basic activities to clean the bodies toxic build up of material.
Once the body eliminates toxins the healing journey can truly begin. We offer authentic Kerala Ayurvedic Treatments under competent Ayurvedic Vaidyas.
Abhyangam, Snehan, Swedan, Nasya, Basti, Vamana, Virechan, Shirodhara, Potli
Treatment areas:
All acute and chronic, mental and physical conditions.
Facilitators: Skilled in-house male and female therapists.

Massage treatments
Relax, Detox, De-stress, with our range of massages and steam. We offer relaxing and therapeutic massages by skilled male and female massage therapists.
Deep Tissue massage, Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, Kerala Ayurveda Massage.
Treatment areas: Physical stiffness, stress, all muscle and joint issues, lymphatic drainage, sciatica, chronic and acute pain.
Facilitators: Skilled in-house Doctors and therapists
Arts Based Therapy
Arts-Based Therapy is based on Eastern Psychology, the first of its kind. Therapeutic activities, involving all art forms are used by the therapist, depending upon the client’s specific needs.
ABT is a very effective method of counseling for certain demographics such as children, children with special needs, geriatrics, and mental health conditions.
Treatment areas: Learning Disabled, differently-abled children and adults, ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Elderly, Trauma.
Facilitators: Nabhiraj Mehta and Mona Doctor.